Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The truth of the letters to the 7 churches of Revelation

As we continue this coming Sunday is the current teaching series from the Book of Revelation I felt the need to remind you that as this is a wake up call to the church.  Here the truth of God.

This is written from God's perspective to the seven churches mentioned in Revelation 2-3 as a whole. My hope is that this maybe inspires you because we are the church and we are called to be the body of Christ to the world. Satan will tell us that we are not worth it and that we have no chance of making any difference but God's Word reminds us that Satan and the world have been overcome by the power and blood of the perfect lamb, Jesus Christ. That same power lives inside of us and gives us the victory. All that is left is for us to take action. So let us arise, church, for the battle is won and the victory is ours!

Blessings and peace to you.


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