Sunday, December 22, 2013

Our church - more than an AARP family!

This morning there were people in our Sunday Connection Classes and several people enjoying a time for fellowship around the Connection Café . There was a small mummer that three different babies born over the last few months were with their families at church.  I ran to get my phone to catch a picture:  

Following the worship today I was in conversation with a return visitor to our church.  He commented that when he first looked at our congregation it seemed to be an AARP crowd.  He said to me, "Wow - things are changing at our church."  There is an excitement as we welcome new families each week and are on the verge of launching a new phase of ministry.  Though I mourn the loss of several families who have recently left the church, I am amazed how God is bringing new people who are looking to be involved in ministry.   I look forward to posting on my blog in 2014 about the moving of God at our church - and - in my life!  

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