Saturday, January 25, 2014

Preparing for worship on the final Sunday of January 2014 - New Friendships

The worship team brings us into a time of worship....

Now a warm greeting of welcome and opening prayer.  We continue in our worship.....

We enter into a season of prayer.... followed by the announcements and our presentation of financial gifts to the Lord.

The final message in the teaching series: 

Part 4  New Friendships
A mirror reflects a person's face but what they are really like is shown by the kind of friends they choose. Proverbs 27:19 Hudgens
I am praying for an overflow attendance this Sunday.  On any given Sunday 1/3 of our church family is away.  I am praying and hoping that this Sunday people will hit Facebook; emails; text and phone calls to encourage everyone to be in attendance this Sunday as I preach this Sunday and will not be back into the pulpit until March 16, 2014  It would be of tremendous encouragement to me to preach to over 100 people this Sunday.  This has been one of my top 3 prayers every day for the past 6 months.  God has a message for our church family we need to hear....

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