Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pray for Your Pastor

Recently, I came across a list from R.W. Glenn, a pastor in Minnesota, informing his congregation on how they could pray regularly for him. As I read them, my soul certainly resonated that I too need these prayers on a daily basis! As I am away on Sabbatical I hope my church family is praying for me. So for those who may be inclined to pray (or those who already are, but would like more clarity on how to specifically pray), here they are:

1. That the gospel would be the focal point of my life and identity – not manhood, not being a husband, not being a father, not being a pastor, but who I am in Christ.

2. That I would not fear man by desiring the admiration of people; that the Lord’s “Well done” would be ever before my eyes.

3. That the Lord would not allow me to go long between repentances; that I would keep short accounts with Him and be sensitive to and ruthless with my sin.

4. That I would continue to grow in the character qualities of a man of God (1 Tim. 3:1-7; 2 Tim. 2:22-26; Titus 1:5-9).

5. That I would have a consistent, powerful, diligent life of private prayer; that I would grow in my dependence on the Holy Spirit.

6. That the Lord would give me great diligence in study and sermon preparation, making the most of my time.

7. That my preaching and teaching ministry would be empowered by the Holy Spirit; that the Lord would affect real change in our lives through it; and that by it we would be more endeared to Christ.

8. That I would boldly and faithfully and humbly and joyfully and intentionally share the gospel with the     non-Christians in my social orbit.

9. That I would see Jesus as supremely valuable, my greatest treasure, and as my dear friend.

To those nine, I would add one more that immediately came to mind:

10. That I would love my wife and family and give myself to their discipleship with same energy, thoughtfulness and devotion that I do for the church in my responsibilities as a pastor.

To those who pray regularly for me and the other pastors, thank you so much. If we could see all that God does in response to the prayers of His people, we would surely have fresh encouragement for what a precious gift it is!


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