Thursday, March 6, 2014

A Sabbatical Moment - Pastor Robert Morris

A real high point of my Sabbatical was to attend the Home Run Conference in Atlanta, Ga. on February 18th.  It was an awesome day to connect with a number of fellow pastors in the Church of the Nazarene and a real joy to re-connect with a number of Wesleyan pastors I have not seen in years.  In preparation for the conference Sharron and I attended 12 Stone Church for the 9:00am morning worship on Sunday February 16th.   When the service closed, we quickly exited the facility and made our way to North Point Church.  You got it - two church services in one morning - the true sign of a church addict.  I love to go to church!

On Monday evening I was invited to a special presentation at the Maxwell Leadership Center in Atlanta to hear two presentations by Pastor Robert Morris.  I had never been exposed to the leadership of this pastor, but I am so glad I have been now.  At NRN you will be hearing more about this in the days ahead.

As a way of introduction - here is a short clip of Pastor Morris from October 2012:

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