Saturday, March 22, 2014

Preparing for worship at NRN on Sunday March 23, 2014

Tomorrow at NRN I share the second message in the new teaching series:

I am really looking forward to lift my voice in worship through these great songs:

We will begin with a call to worship through the responsive reading of Scripture and then lift our voices by singing a great hymn of faith:

Then we transition into a new song for many at our church:

Now, we enter into a time of prayer by bringing our prayer request cards to the altars.  This is the first Sunday to begin collecting prayer request and to allow people to select there time to come to the church for the upcoming 24 hour prayer vigil.  Over the past years we have seen the faithfulness of out God in answering prayer and bringing forth miracles in our presence. Let us prepare our hearts for an out pouring of the Spirit of God upon us.

Following our announcements we present our offerings unto the LORD:

Now the preaching of God's Word.   Mark 5:1-20

We close our time of worship with a song of dependence upon God:

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