Saturday, April 19, 2014

Preparing for Worship on Resurrection Sunday 2014 at NRN!

As we prepare for Resurrection Sunday at NRN my heart is filled with great expectation of many first time guest and a moving of God in our midst.  I hope you are excited about what God has planned for us tomorrow!

We begin with a time of fellowship as a FREE Pancake Breakfast is served beginning at 9:00am until 10:00am.  Then a coffee and juice service is provided in the foyer at our Connection CafĂ©. 

Our worship begins at 10:30am (15 minutes earlier than our normal beginning time)

Here is the worship set we are preparing for Resurrection Sunday:

We begin with words of traditional welcome for Easter Sunday and then sing loud a traditional hymn of faith to proclaim the Resurrection Power of Jesus Christ:

And now a song of celebration...

We welcome one another into the House of the Lord on this Resurrection Sunday!  This is a time to express a welcome with a big smile to all those around you and to especially welcome our first time guest!  I think we will remain standing to sing a great hymn of the church:

We will now pause for a time of prayer and pray together as the Lord taught the Disciples to pray:

Now we sing a new song of Easter that is awesome:

The preaching of the WORD.  I am very excited about the message God has placed upon my heart for this Resurrection Sunday.  It is unique as I share the passage of scripture that follows the traditional Easter account in the Gospel of Luke and take us to the conversation on the Road to Emmaus.


 “Easter hope is not wild-eyed optimism.
It is clear-eyed confidence in the death-conquering Christ.”


Luke 24:13-35

believe we will close our time together as I extend a call for salvation to experience Resurrection Hope.  I have faith to believe that this Sunday will be a life changing day for many in attendance.  We will conclude with a song followed by a benediction.  Here is the closing song:

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