Saturday, May 31, 2014

Preparing for Worship - June 1, 2014 Obey the Law of Christ.

This Sunday is June 1, 2014. We plan to continue in the current teaching series from the book of Galatians.  We have worked our way through the book and today we arrive in chapter 6.  I have challenged our church family to read a minimum of one chapter a day for six days from the book of Galatians.  I hope you are reading chapter 6 today!

Pastor Jordan remains on paternity leave as we celebrate with them the birth of Kyle Jane.   

This Sunday we will look to our worship team to  lead us in worship of song using the iworship clips.

Here is the planned order of worship:

We begin with a welcome and opening prayer and stand to sing our praise unto the Lord.

Now we take time to greet one another and hear the announcements of opportunities to connect together and the serve the Lord outside the walls of our church!

As we bring our tithes and offerings in thanks to the Lord - the worship team will lead us in a great song to prepare our hearts for communion. 

We join in reading in unison:

With our hearts turned toward the Lord - we now hear the Word of GOD proclaimed:

Obey the Law of Christ                         
Galatians 6:1-10

In his letter to the Galatians churches, Paul tells them that they cannot reach God by following the old Law. But at the end of his letter, in chapter 6, Paul tells them to “obey the law of Christ.” It seems like Paul is contradicting himself here, simply giving a different set of rules to follow. But that is not the case! Rather, Paul is drawing the Galatians past the hopeless requirements of the old Law, to the freeing truth of what it means to follow Christ.

Tomorrow, Pastor Rick shares with us three ways to keep the laws of Christ.

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