Saturday, June 14, 2014

Order of Worship at NRN on June 15th - Father's Day 2014

Tomorrow is Father's Day 2014!  I have been a dad for over 30 years and I still am convinced that the greatest gift I could give to my children is a Christian heritage.  I love Jesus today more than ever.  I am committed to his call upon my life.  I love the mother of my children and the "Grammy" of my grand children. 

Here is the order of worship we have prepared for tomorrow:

I plan to give a warm welcome to all and dedicate our time together to the Lord. 

 Then we will stand to sing our songs of worship to our Heavenly Father! 

Now we pause for prayer and then turn our attention to the opportunities for fellowship and service as the family of God and the Body of Christ! 

As we now give our tithes and offerings to the Lord we we sing a great song of adoration to our great God! 

Now I plan to preach a message dear to heart - of very personal experience - as I invite everyone present to receive the Holy Spirit! 

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