Saturday, June 21, 2014

Preparing for Worship at NRN on June 22 2014

I am very excited about the message that God has placed in my heart and spirit for this Sunday.  We return to the book of Galatians and the teaching series I began the last Sunday of April.  We have been on detour the past two weeks as we celebrated Pentecost and I felt lead to share a message about how to be filled with Holy Spirit.  Plan to be with us tomorrow at NRN at 10:45am as we prepare for God to invade our presence! It is going to be good...

Here is the order of we have planned.  We make our plans - but God has the last word.  My message is prepared and the outlines are already in the printed worship folder - but I would be fine if we began to sing and people stood to testify and the Holy Spirit would kidnap our time of worship.   We are always open to the His leading... 

 We plan to begin with a set of three songs of praise to our God:

We pause to go to the Lord in prayer.  Let us seek His face and meet with Him in the secret place of prayer.  It it a vital part of our worship to go to the Lord in prayer. God inclines His ear towards us and long for us come to Him in prayer. 

Now we express our love for the Lord in obedience by bringing our financial gift to the Lord and His Church as He has directed.  We worship in song as we present our financial offerings to Him:

Now we draw our attention to the word of God.  Get ready for a power-packed message: 

                          Avoiding a Spiritual Scam                         

Galatians 6:11-18

Paul’s letter to the Galatians was designed to combat false teaching that had been plaguing the church. Towards the end of his letter, Paul spends some time dealing specifically with the problems of false teachers; why they are liars, why they are dangerous, why they are different from him. It is vital to know how to spot a false teacher, or else we will find ourselves in the same position as the Galatians.

Today, Pastor Rick reveals four ways to spot a false teacher and avoid a spiritual scam!

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