Saturday, June 7, 2014

Preparing for worship on June 8 2014 - Pentecost Sunday is tomorrow!

Tomorrow at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene we welcome Pastor Jordan back to lead our worship!  I am also very excited about a baby dedication that will take place tomorrow.  It is going to be a great day to be in church at NRN! 

I am continuing in the teaching series - the New Normal with a two week teaching on the Holy Spirit.  

Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday and I plan to preach on the meaning of Pentecost for Christians today!  Bring a friend and don't miss this important message. 

I plan to continue next week with a second message about the Holy Spirit as I described from the Word of God - How to be receive the Holy Spirit.  I am excited about presenting an old fashion - camp meeting style of preaching. 

Here is the order of worship we have planned for tomorrow:

Following a countdown we will stand and sing praise unto the Lord!

We now pause for a season of prayer and prepare to present
our tithes and offerings to the Lord:

Today, Christians across the world will celebrate Pentecost Sunday.                  
For Christians, Pentecost is a holiday on which we commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the early followers of Jesus. Before the events of the first Pentecost, which came a few weeks after Jesus’ death and resurrection, there were followers of Jesus, but no movement that could be meaningfully called “the church.” Thus, from an historical point of view, Pentecost is the day on which the church was started. This is also true from a spiritual perspective, since the Spirit brings the church into existence and enlivens it. Thus Pentecost is the church’s birthday.

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