Saturday, July 12, 2014

Preparing for worship (and laughter) on July 13, 2014

As we prepare for worship tomorrow at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene there is a buzz in the air.  There has been an unusual outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our worship and celebrate on Sundays.  This Sunday we pause to reflect upon the blessings of God!  It is time for some laughter in the House of the Lord! Get ready to experience a time of fun and celebration!

                  The Bible says “A cheerful heart is good medicine. (Proverbs 17:22a)

Here is the planned order of worship:

We begin with intenionality to express a warm welcome to all who gather and then dedicate our worship unto  the Lord in prayer.  Then we sing loud praise to God! 

It may be a little uncomfortable for some - but we plan to pray in groups around the tables in the Worship Center today. This is a time for us to pray for one another. This extended prayer time will be a time for you to open your heart and ask for prayer and know the love of God expressed through friends. It is also a time for you to intercede for another person. I believe God is going to move in an incredible way during our time of prayer.

We conclude out time of prayer around the tables by offering a prayer of thanks to the Lord in song:

We take a few moments to be reminded of opportunities to serve the Lord in His mission.  The worship team is bringing one of my favorite songs about the mission of the church: 

Open your hearts and minds - and get ready to laugh!

 “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven…a time to laugh.”     
                            Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4

 “The One enthroned in heaven laughs.”
                                              Psalm 2:3

I can't help myself...  Here is a preview:


Following our time of worship and laughter - we will turn our attention to consuming the food brought by our church family and the fresh cooked hot dogs and hamburgers and enjoy a Church Picnic in air conditioned comfort!   What an awesome day to be in church!

We will also be providing an opportunity to select a child for sponsorship through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries.  You can feed, clothe, and educate a child for                          only $.82 a day or $25.00 a month.   Select a child this Sunday to bring hope into their life! 

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