Saturday, July 26, 2014

Preparing for Worship at NRN on July 27 2014 - This is going to be good....

Tomorrow at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene is going to be an awesome day to be in church!  Already I sense the presence of the Lord and the infilling of the Holy Spirit upon my message and the worship at church for tomorrow.   Below is the order of worship we are preparing - but God always has the final word! 

We begin with a welcome from Pastor Jordan and then enter the presence of the Lord with music and expressions of praise from our spirits....

We take a few moments to welcome one another with words of greeting.  The Bible says that a person that has friends, must show themselves friendly."  Let's make some new friends today!

As we turn to the Lord in prayer - it is an awesome day as Pastor Jordan and Alana bring their precious daughter Kyra to be dedicated to the Lord! 

As we prepare to continue in worship, let us demonstrate extreme generosity, returning to the Lord just a portion of that which He has supplied to us! We will sing as we present our financial gifts to the Lord!

Running with the Giants 

 Part 2   DAVID

Of all the unlikely heroes of scripture, David may have been the least likely of all.
 When God told Samuel to anoint him king, David was a boy tending sheep. When
 Goliath challenged Israel to send a champion for him to fight, David was delivering
 lunch to his older brothers. But David became the hero that Saul was never able to be, because he was a man after God’s own heart.

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