Saturday, August 9, 2014

Preparing for Worship on Sunday August 10, 2014

Tomorrow at NRN, I plan to step away from the current teaching series for a special message God has placed upon my heart. 

 As I begin my 8th year as Lead Pastor it is very exciting for me to announce a new church planting effort for our church and to introduce you the couple who will be planting this church as you hear their amazing story of God's direction upon their life to North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene. 

Dr. C. Peter Wagner, well known authority on evangelism, church growth and missions has written in Church Planting for a Greater Harvest: “I begin this book with a categorical statement that will seem bold and brash to some at first sight, even though it has been well substantiated by research over the past two or three decades: The single most effective evangelistic methodology under heaven is planting new churches.”

It is going to be an awesome day at NRN and I am praying God will draw many to be in attendance fort his important message.

Pastor Jenny Compton will begin our time together by greeting us with a warm welcome and dedicating our time together to the Lord.  Then we will sing our praise and express our worship to God. 

Now we pause to go to the Lord in prayer in faith and trust.  God inclines His ear toward us when we pray. This is a very important part of our worship.  Let listen to what the Lord may be saying to us. 

We continue to lift our voices to the Lord:

We greet one another in the name of the Lord.  It will be my privilege to introduce to you representatives from the local branch of the Girl Scouts of America for a presentation.  

We then hear the announcements of opportunities to gather for service in our local community.  As we present our tithes and offerings to the Lord we give from a heart of thanksgiving and in obedience to the Word of the Lord! 

Now - the message God has laid upon my heart ...

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