Saturday, November 22, 2014

Preparing for worship at NRN on November 23 2014

Tomorrow at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene is going to be an awesome day of worship.  The sermon tomorrow will be an interactive message.  I encourage you to be right on time at 10:45am to view the introduction clip of my message and I begin preaching before the worship team leads us in a song.  this is to help us understand the reason why we sing and express our worship to God on Sunday mornings.  

I look forward to seeing you.

Here is the order of worship we have planned:

A countdown clip focusing on thanksgiving....followed by a warm welcome and a roll in clip for my message - and the preaching begins.  At the close of the first point of a four point message we stand and sing to the Lord:

Now we hear the Word of the Lord as I present the second point of my message following by a time of prayer:

“Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  If you do this, you will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.  His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”                     Phil. 4:6-7

The third point of my message:

As we present our offering to the Lord we do so as instructed in the Word:

        “Give an offering to show thanks to God.
         Give him what you promised.”     Psalm 50:14

The worship team will lead us in a song of thanksgiving:

As the last point of my message provides a time to share your testimonies of the faithfulness and compassion of the Lord.

“Be very careful to never forget  what you've seen God doing for you.  May his miracles have a deep and permanent effect upon your lives!  Tell your children and your grandchildren about the glorious miracles he did.”         Deut. 4:9 (LB)

Let's share together the stories of His Faithfulness! 

Be sure and sign up to help with DECK THE HALLS ! This Sunday beginning at 3:30!

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