Monday, November 10, 2014

The Power of giving

The past 2 Sundays at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene the messages have been about God's plan for our finances. This has been part of a series about confronting the little "g" gods of the Old Testament that are prevalent in our  culture today.  The god of mammon deals with anything regarding our material possessions.  

Someone has sent me a link to a youtube clip about why we should not tithe today. I am amazed how pastors can put God in a box and refer to tithing as an Old Testament law.  The establishment of the tithe was a standard established in the Old Testament before the law was even given.  The purpose of tithing is to show God has first place in our lives.  

Tithing is a basic place to start in dealing with our finances. We never give our money to God - it already belongs to Him - we bring our tithe as a minimum in obedience to Him.  Our love for God is expressed in what we give beyond the minimum. 

Here is a short reminder of the important of having a generous giving lifestyle:


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