Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Withstanding the test of time

A time capsule buried in the old Massachusetts State House was unearthed in Boston last week, after being discovered by workers who were repairing a water leak.

The capsule was buried back in 1795 by legendary American patriots Samuel Adams and Paul Revere. It contains coins, papers, and a Paul Revere plate that are preserved in a box sealed in plaster.

This is not the first time the capsule has been discovered.

It was dug up in 1855, when artifacts, such as coins, were mixed in with the mortar and reburied during a ceremony. Massachusetts Secretary of State William Galvin told CNN that because the 1855 coins were in fairly good condition, it’s safe to say that the contents of the box have withstood the test of time.

“The contents are of concern, but the plaster that held the box in place is in good condition,” he said.

The box has been sent to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston to be examined by an expert who spent his Thursday tediously chipping away at the cornerstone so that the contents of the box can be examined.

The big question on this last day of 2014 – If you were to create a time capsule to be opened in the future – what would be the top 5 items you would place into the capsule? 

What message would you like to share with a future generation? 

What message does your life share about you today?

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