Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Come, Follow me....

"Jesus Calls the Disciples" by Duccio.  

Come follow me.  

Three simple words drenched with implications.  Before those words could be uttered Jesus had to determine that he was going to open his life to those he extended the invitation to.  He had to be willing to be fully seen and fully known.  

Seen and known as he speaks  to thousands AND seen and known as he wrestles privately with the weight of who he was created to be.  The implications are no different for those he invited.  Responding meant they also would be fully seen and fully known.  Seen and known as companions of this radical AND seen and known in the everydayness of their lives by the Son of God.

The journey of discipleship starts here really.  It starts with us asking ourselves, "Are we willing to be seen and known?"  It's then we can drop our nets and follow Jesus.

What margin are we creating in our lives to invite others to join us on our journey?  Today, who's invitation to "Come follow me as I follow Christ" do we need to respond to? 

 To whom do we need to say "Come follow me as I follow Christ?"  

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