Saturday, January 24, 2015

Preparation for Worship at NRN - Tomorrow Sunday Janaury 25 2015

Tomorrow at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene is sure to be an awesome day as we gather to worship the Lord together.  As I have reviewed our attendance for the month of January I have realized a unique sequence in our attendance.  We have had the exact number each week for the past three weeks – only that number represents different people in attendance.  It’s like our church has gone into a “rotation” mode. I hope this Sunday you will break the rotation and join us for a great day!  Satan has worked overtime this week to bring pressure to my schedule and try to discourage me – but as you will hear on Sunday – God is great and mighty!  Worthy of our praise!

We will begin our worship with a great hymn as our call to worship – followed by a time to greet one another.  I hope you will make every effort to join us for the beginning of our time together and sing with us!

Here is the prepared order of worship for Sunday:


As we preparing to bring our financial gifts and offerings to the Lord let us consider God's faithfulness to us - and our faithfulness to Him.  Take a moment to consider your funds currently in your checking and savings account.  I am not talking about the obligation we may perceive from the Law - but we should be reminded that God has made us stewards (managers) of all God's creation and especially all that God has entrusted to us. 

Our offerings over the past 4 weeks have been lower than expected.  Last Sunday was the lowest amount in the offering in over 7 years.  I ask that we consider bringing our giving up to date and presenting to God an offering that He will be well pleased!  Here is the song for this time of surrender and sacrifice.

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