Saturday, January 17, 2015

Preparing for Sunday - January 18 2015

Tomorrow at NRN we continue in the new year teaching series 

As we continue our sermon series, Instructions for Life, based in King David’s address to the future king, Solomon, in 1 Chronicles 28:9 –10, we turn our attention this week to the discipline of seeking God.

 If we are honest with ourselves, the majority of our efforts in seeking God occur when we’re in trouble. The average person does not have any qualms whatsoever with seeking after God when a job is lost, a relationship is in peril, a child begins to stray, or finances are tighter than normal due to a combination of unexpected expenses. To be clear, we absolutely should seek God in those moments. God is passionately concerned about the challenges, difficulties and struggles we face, as well as the toll those take on us as His children. The greater question, though, is whether or not we can prevent those moments from being so devastating?

Before the message - we gather to offer the Lord our authentic worship in song.  Here is the order of worship we have prepared:

Today we will sing some favorite songs and also some new songs - "Come, let is sing a new song unto the Lord!" That is a great insight of authentic worship - singing to the Lord! 

 “As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father. Serve Him with    a whole heart and a willing mind. For the Lord looks into all hearts, and understands every plan and thought. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him. But if you turn away from Him, He will turn away from you forever. Listen now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a place of worship. Be strong, and do it.”                                                                      1 Chronicles 28:9-10 (NLV)

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