Saturday, February 28, 2015

Preparing for Worship on March 1 2015

On this cold Saturday - the snow has fallen and now the sun has returned to melt away the slush and melting snow to clear the roads to make our way to church tomorrow.  I am very excited about what God is going to do in our midst. My only concern is that once again we will gather and forget to invite or bring others with us. A disease of today's church is that we settle with our efforts to just make it to church.  We should be intentionally inviting others to join us.

As we gather in the House of the Lord tomorrow we will focus our worship upon Jesus - King of Kings and Lord or Lords - our Savior - Mighty Warrior - Almighty Creator God of the Universe.

Here is our planned order of worship - we make our plans - but God has the last word!

The countdown will come to a close and Pastor Jordan will give words of welcome as we stand to sing our Hallelujahs to the Lord!


Today’s Message: Pt. 2    

The Deepest Place of Worship

In Psalm 130, King David cries out his need for mercy, mercy for his sins, sins for which he alone is responsible. David knows, within himself, escape from the pit, a pit of his own making, is hopeless. In verses 4, 7, and 8; David’s hope is in GOD alone. In HIM there is assurance that we are forgiven, lifted out of our own pit. To the sinner who acknowledges, owns, and confesses; GOD transforms that person to love others, empowering the person with HIS Holiness to live the teachings of Jesus Christ.

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