Monday, March 30, 2015

Holy Week 2015 - Experience it as never before

Sunday: Triumphal Entry
Popularity is fickle. As Jesus entered Jerusalem during Passover Week, the adulation and expectation of the people was intense. What happened nextsatisfaction or disappointmentand why?            Matthew 21:1-11

Monday: Clearing the Temple
The trouble with righteous anger is that it is much easier to be angry than to be righteous. How does Jesus' anger compare with your own "righteous" anger or that of others?                                                     Mark 11:12-19


Tuesday: Teaching at the Mount of Olives
What are the hallmarks of Jesus' prophecy? How did his audience receive his prophecy? How can his example help you to discern true or false prophets today?                                                        Matthew 24:1-31


Wednesday:  A day of quiet preparation for the weekend that changed the world. How will you plan to honor the Lord today and clear your calendar for the weekend to live your life to the praise of God’s glory!  Today is the day to send that email – make that phone call – message through Facebook a personal invitation to join us this weekend!


Thursday: The Last Supper
How do you respond to crisis? What does Jesus' response to crisis teach you about him and about God?                             Matthew 26:17-30


Thursday: Betrayal & Arrest
Those closest to us have the power to hurt us in deep, personal ways that others do not. What does being a loyal friend mean to you? What pressures in your life test your loyalty to Jesus?             Mark 14:43-72


Friday: Trial
In what ways is Christianity distorted to fit other agendas and ideologies? What tempts you to compromise your faith? Jesus' conduct during his trial can equip and inspire you to hold fast to the truth.           John 18:28–19:16


Friday: Crucifixion
Because of Jesus' teaching and his confrontation of suffering, Christians know that honestly facing and feeling our grief is the best way through it. How have you been helped or hindered by others in times of personal hurt or loss?                                      Matthew 27


Sunday: Resurrection
Easter Sunday is the biggest celebration on the Christian calendar. But many sneer at the impossibility of the Resurrection. How do you know it happened? What does it mean for you, for others and for the world?

Luke 24:1-43


Plan to join us for the free breakfast provided at the church beginning at 9:00am until 10:00am. Then continue the fellowship with coffee and juice and prepare your hearts for corporate worship beginning at 10:30am

Who will you invite to join you this Sunday?

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