Saturday, May 30, 2015

Preparing our hearts for worship tomorrow at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene

The unofficial start of Summer has arrived in Raleigh with the temperatures rising into the low 90's today!  Today will be a significant day at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene as we continue in the teaching series int he Book of Acts. I am really looking forward to preaching this Sunday as I step away from a long manuscript and preach from the simple outline in the worship folder in order to make sure you can complete all the blanks to be filled in. 

 A BIG surprise is planned during my message as celebrate the call of God upon a person's life. (You will not want to miss it!)  A called meeting is scheduled for after the worship as our church Treasurer presents a decision recently made by the church board.  No teaser intended - just a simple invitation to hear about this action with clarity.  My focus is not on the announcement today - it is on proclaiming the Word of the Lord! Get ready to worship!!

Let us draw our wholehearted attention toward the Lord!  As God to open your ears, your mind and your heart as you sing to the Lord and prepare to hear His word!

Here are the songs of worship we have prepared:

As we bring our offering to the Lord - let us be faithful as we proclaim our faith with a powerful song of worship to the Lord! 


The Significance    of a Nobody

Acts 9:10-19

If you knew that you could do anything for God, if money or responsibilities were not an issue, what would you do? What dream would you chase for God if you knew you couldn’t fail? Would you become a writer? A pastor? A missionary? A philanthropist who gave millions to the Gospel? An evangelist? What would you do, as insignificant as you are,      for Jesus Christ if you knew you could not fail? If He chose you to be His instrument? 

Is there someone insignificant in your life whom you could prayerfully mold into a Paul?

I challenge you today to prayerfully give that idea some real time, mull it over, and see if God doesn’t put someone on your heart. Someone who just might become a somebody for Christ because you helped them with your prayers.

Someone like Saul of Tarsus.                A significant nobody.

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