Monday, June 1, 2015

A secular, liberal, atheist "comes out of the closet" - A life transformed by the love of Christ!

She’s the intelligent, gorgeous, Democratic commentator at Fox News who has been an atheist for much of her life until she says she had a personal encounter with Jesus.

Kirsten grew up in the Episcopal Church in Alaska, but admits her belief was “superficial and flimsy.”
She absorbed it from her archaeologist father, and was able to get through high school by leaning on his faith. But by the time she was off to college, any ostensible presence of God had vanished, especially since her dad began confiding in her his own doubts.
“What little faith I had couldn’t withstand this revelation,” she explains. “From my early twenties on, I would waver between atheism and agnosticism, never coming close to considering that God could be real.”
After graduating from college, Powers worked with the Clinton team from 1992 to 1998, noting Democratic politics “was our religion, to a certain extent.”
“All my friends were secular, liberal,” she told Focus on the Family radio. “So I really got even more deeply into just an incredibly secular world. Now all my friends were basically atheists, or if they had any kind of spirituality, they were very hostile toward religion, Christianity in particular. So I didn’t really have any interest in it.”


If you want to hear a more concise testimony of Kirsten's transformation - take the time to hear this Focus on the Family Radio broadcast:

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