Saturday, June 13, 2015

Preparing for Worship on June 14 2015

Tomorrow at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene we will gather to worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth.  As you check this blog post today I hope you are ready to prepare your heart for a time of worship and adoration to our great God!  I am looking forward to preaching tomorrow as we return to the AD series. There are only 2 messages remaining in this series. Now is the time to invite a friend to join you at church. 

Here is the planned order of worship.  We make our plans - but God has the last word! 

We plan to begin with a great song of worship followed by a time to greet one another and especially look for first time guest and welcomed them to church!

We now worship the Lord by bringing our offerings to the Lord.  This is simply a funny cartoon - please do not be offended....

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