Friday, June 19, 2015

Rev. Franklin Graham Just Delivered The Perfect Message To ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner

Amid the torrent of praise and adoration emanating from the left regarding Olympic gold medalist Bruce Jenner’s recent gender transition, at least a few Christian leaders are prepared to share a biblical perspective. 
Rev. Franklin Graham cited a passage in 2 Corinthians to illustrate his position in a recent Facebook post.
“In Vanity Fair’s cover story about Bruce Jenner’s gender change,” Franklin wrote, “the author talks as if Bruce and his newly chose identity of ‘Caitlyn’ are two separate people.
He went on to quote Jenner’s son, Burt, who declared: “I have high hopes that Caitlyn is a better person than Bruce.”
Franklin also noted that, in announcing his identity shift, Jenner also expressed regret over mistakes he made as a father. Any suggestion that mere cosmetic changes will restore any of his past regrets, however, is a notion Franklin finds impossible.
“I have news for them,” he wrote “—changing the outside doesn’t change the inside. No man-made modification can fix what’s wrong with the heart. Only God can fix the human heart. If we ask for His forgiveness and accept by faith His Son, Jesus Christ, He will wipe the slate clean.”
It is this type of life change alone, Franklin concluded, through which any real transformation may occur.
“The Bible says,” he wrote, “‘Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.’”
Franklin received overwhelming support from Facebook users, including one woman for whom the topic is especially relevant. She wrote:
Thank you for this post. My son is a declared homosexual & I pray for him every day. When my son first told me he was gay, I wept almost every day as I prayed that God would make him a heterosexual, but then I realized that the heart is where the change begins. My prayer is different today since God revealed this truth to me – the heart is where the change begins. Please keep my son in your prayers.
 Here is the actual Facebook posting from June 2, 2015:
In Vanity Fair’s cover story about Bruce Jenner’s gender change, the author talks as if Bruce and his newly chosen identity of “Caitlyn” are two separate people. Bruce’s son Burt said, “I have high hopes that Caitlyn is a better person than Bruce.” The article also says Jenner openly acknowledges mistakes made with his children as Bruce, “and expresses genuine regret.” I have news for them—changing the outside doesn’t change the inside. No man-made modification can fix what’s wrong with the heart. Only God can fix the human heart. If we ask for His forgiveness and accept by faith His Son, Jesus Christ, He will wipe the slate clean. The Bible says, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”                                                                                    (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Do you agree with Rev. Franklin’s assessment?

Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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