Tuesday, July 28, 2015

7 reasons to exercise - from a person who hates to run!

I am NOT a runner!    When I was in my 20’s I used to meet a good friend who attended the church where I served as Minister of Youth and Music.  He was also a local Air Force Recruiter.  He was in great shape and was an avid runner.  He invited me to join him three days a week in the early morning for a mile run at a local track around the football field at a nearby school.  

I was faithful for 6 months to this endeavor but grew tired of coming home and being sick on my stomach each morning we ran. I thought I would leave that behind – but never did. I hate to run!  Sometimes now my knees “crunch” when I walk up stairs. 

But I have become an avid walker and work to meet my Fitbit goals each week.       

I have come to the conclusion that it’s a necessary discipline for a healthy leader. If you aren’t currently an active exerciser, I have even more practical, firsthand experience to encourage you to begin.

Here are 7 reasons I need to exercise:

Forced down time – I discovered that when I exercise — is one of the few times each day where I am not answering emails, taking phone calls, or doing something that requires mental power. Exercise forces me to be still — or — well, you know what I mean. My mind is cleared to pray more — to think more.

Physical health – I am better able to maintain my weight when I walk.  I feel better. I sleep better. My blood pressure tests lower. The doctor’s office loves taking my vitals when I am in a regular exercise routine. 

Mental stimulation – My best ideas come while I am walking. I suppose because my body is energized and I’m free from other distractions, I’m so creative while I exercise.

Longevity – Long days are nothing for me when I am in a healthy discipline. It seems counter-intuitive, but I have more energy in the day — not less — when I’m exercising regularly.

Maximum effectiveness – Exercise — while it seems to take time out of my day — actually ends up being the most effective use of my time. It increases my productivity and gives me a better overall attitude towards my work (and life). It’s powerful enough — I’ve learned from experience — that on my busiest days I try to break away and exercise in the middle of the day. The fastest way for me to get out of a productivity slump is to step away from the “work” and go for a short (or long) walk around the church.

Eat with less worry – I enjoy food. A lot. People will often make a comment I must not enjoy food as much as they do because I seem to maintain my weight. The reality is they’ve never seen me eat. I don’t think you can totally ignore your diet regardless of how much you exercise. I try to be healthier in most of my choices, and I do discipline what I eat (wish I was better at how much), but I pretty much eat what I want. I’m certainly never hungry long. Walking  affords me less guilt in my diet and the occasional splurges I enjoy.

Stress reduction – I find if I’m especially stressed a good sweat gives me a calmer perspective. It’s an excellent way to decompress.

I’m not an avid runner or exercise “nut”.  I sometimes wonder if I will ever take part in a Marathon – right now I think not.  But each month I feel stronger and work hard toward my weight goal and walking routine. By the way – My wife Sharron is a true role model for me.  She is very consistent in her walking and often puts me to shame.

Do you have a regular routine of exercise? 

It doesn’t have to be running, or even walking, but it should be something. Of course, you should always check with your doctor before you start something extreme, but I’ve never had a doctor who didn’t value some form of exercise.

If you are not regularly exercising — especially if you’re a leader — answer this question:

Considering the stress in your life, and how productive you hope to be with your life, could beginning the discipline of exercise be one of the missing ingredients?

Let me be a voice of encouragement to you. Find the exercise routine which works best for you, discipline yourself for 30-40 days, and then enjoy the lifetime of benefits.

Inspiration and portion of this post from a mentor - Ron Edmondson.

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