Saturday, July 4, 2015

Preparing for worship on July 5, 2015 at NRN!

Tomorrow we gather for worship at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene.    Last week a number of people decided to START as God spoke to their hearts. Tomorrow we continue in the current teaching series.  Plan now to join us and prepare your hearts for worship by enjoying the planned worship set below:

We now express our worship to God for His wonderful gift of salvation found through His Son - Our Savior - Jesus Christ! 

Give thanks unto God with a grateful heart.

Time to worship the Lord by bringing our tithes and offerings to the Lord.  Let us be reminded on this holiday weekend the truth emblazoned unto our currency:  IN GOD WE TRUST! 

Now. let us exercise our faith by presenting to God a sacrificial gift to help bring our weekly need based budget in line.  Why would we allow our ministry to suffer when a we could make a gift to meet our budget need in order to stay on mission! 

We sing as we present our financial gifts to the Lord!

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