Saturday, July 18, 2015

Preparing for worship tomorrow at NRN - My Story: I decided to GO

TOMORROW at NRN is going to be an awesome day of worship as we gather together.  Once again - I am praying God's Spirit invades our presence and that the "Camp meeting" feeling spreads throughout us!  Prepare for a great time and think of the person you should call or email right now to invite them to meet you at church tomorrow.  I trust it will be a life changing day at NRN! 

We make our plans - but God has the last word.  Here is our plan for the order of worship tomorrow:

Pastor Jordan extends a warm welcome to all who gather to meet with the Lord!  

Then we stand and sing loud to our God!

We greet one another in the Name of the Lord.  It is good when we meet in fellowship and friendship as the Family of God! 

Pastor Rick reminds us of things happening in our church that we can be apart of and opportunities to serve the Lord.  Our singing to the Lord continues:

We pray for those who mourn - we pray for those with physical needs - we offer our prayers of thanksgiving and praise - 

Today, we pray for the youth preparing to go to Youth Camp 2015!

As we bring our offerings to the Lord - we offer a song of adoration and commitment to our Great God! 

Prepare for the preaching of God's Word:

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