Saturday, September 26, 2015

Preparing for worship at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene

I am so glad to return to North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene after a time of rest and replenishing my soul. Words cannot express how excited I am to preach tomorrow and to welcome our church family together. 

Here is the planned order of worship:

Pastor Rick returns to continue in the current teaching series. The most important ingredient to building a moral society is truth, both inside and outside a courtroom. The prohibition against "bearing false witness" does not only demand that truth reigns supreme in a trial, but that it is a societal value throughout the culture. Bad things happen when people believe lies. With truth, we can build a decent society. Without it, even the other nine commandments won't help.

We remain in an attitude of worship as we go before the LORD in prayer with thanksgiving. Let us prepare our hearts to worship the LORD with our offering to proclaim His name!

     Hope you planning to join us at the YARD SALE  - TODAY - 7AM -NOON! 

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