Saturday, October 31, 2015

Preparing for worship on November 1 2015

As we prepare for worship this coming Sunday I find myself in a very unfamiliar situation.  Over the past 8 years I have served as Lead Pastor of North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene. I have never missed a Sunday for sickness during this entire period of time.  Today my wife Sharron has me on "lock down" - no phone - no meetings.  Since last Sunday I have been fighting a sinus cold that last Sunday interrupted my sermon delivery with coughing and as people have described, my "radio " voice. All this week I have taken over the counter medications to bring my cold to a close.  On Wednesday I saw our family physician who gave me the diagnosis of a severe sinus and upper respiratory infection. Then the "bombshell".  My doctor said no talking for the next 5 days. - thus no phone and no meetings.  Since then, I have been on a high dose of antibiotics and resting (especially my voice).

The passage of Scripture for the message this Sunday is what I consider the most difficult passage from the book of 2 Thessalonians. It is the cornerstone of the series - the 3rd in a 5 part teaching series. Great ready for an awesome time of worship and moving of the Holy Spirit!

We plan to begin with words of welcome to all!

Then we stand and lift our voices in joyous praise to our great God!

The death of Jesus is a tremendous gift to us. It is precious. When we are given a gift of great value, a gift that involved personal sacrifice for us, how should we receive it? With mourning and regret? 

No, that is not what the giver wants. Rather, we should receive it with great gratitude, as an expression of great love. If we have tears, they should be tears of joy.

Worship the Lord by bringing an offering to the Lord!   

Hear the Word of the Lord:

The end times can lead to an assortment of reactions. Some people write fiction books about it while others actually attempt to predict the day and time that Jesus will return. For centuries, people have been predicting the time and circumstances of Christ’s return, and many still try to do so today. But God’s word warns against such predictions, and instead challenges us to prepare and pray for His return while trusting Him with the timing.

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