Saturday, October 24, 2015

Preparing for Worship on October 25 2015

On the last Sunday of October we gather for worship of our great God! Last week our attendance was surprisingly low and I am praying that God will draw people to His House this coming Sunday.  I feel that god has placed a significant message in my my soul that has marinated all week.  Each day this week I have gone to my preaching notes and refined and added notes as God has lead.

As we prepare for worship tomorrow - here is the planned order of worship.  We make our plans, but God has the last word!

We gather in the Worship Center during the countdown and when it concludes - we stand and open our hearts and voices to sing for joy to the Lord!

We draw near to God in prayer.  Bring your request to the Lord for He inclines His ear toward us when we pray.

When thinking about Jesus, His healings, miracles, and acts of compassion tend to come to mind. We think about the way He cared for the poor, served His disciples, and sought out social outcasts. But when we think of Jesus, we rarely think of Him coming in power to judge the living and the dead. Most people tend to think of Him in ways that are comfortable to them, without contradicting or challenging the beliefs they already hold. As we study 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10, however, we will see that Jesus refuses to bow to our preconceived notions of Him. While Jesus’ first coming was marked by humility and service, His second coming will be marked by judgement and glory. Only those who have trusted in Him will be able to stand in that day. In light of Christ’s promise to return in power and judgement, we must make the most of the time God has given us by seeking His face and telling others the good news about Jesus while there is still time.

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