Saturday, October 3, 2015

Preparing for worship on October 4 2015 Don't covet ...

As we prepare for worship on the first Sunday of October 2015, I am amazed how quickly time is passing. Tomorrow I will conclude the teaching series on the Ten Commandments: Set Free to Live Free.  

I am praying God will move upon people's hearts to be in church this Sunday.     I anticipate a great day of worship and celebration as we observe the Lord's Supper together and see the hand of God moving in our midst.  

Church is not something that you do individually it is something that you do collectively. To be a follower of Christ is not just what you do by yourself it is what you do together with other people. We are what the Bible calls the "family of God." A family is by its very nature inter-dependent. What it means to be a part of a local church is that you're inter-dependent with other people in your church.   I hope to see YOU in church tomorrow!   Here is the order of worship we have prepared:

We hope you feel welcomed to our church. It is time to step away from the pressures and stress of life and come into the Presence of the  Living God.  

You have now entered into a no judgement zone and are welcomed here! 

There is only one Commandment that prohibits a thought, and it is this:   "Do not covet." Why does the Bible, which is preoccupied with behavior, legislate a thought? Because to covet, to want what belongs to someone else, is the root of the preceding four commandments and often leads to evil. 

Before someone murders, steals, lies, or commits adultery, the desire to take what is rightly someone else's usually comes first.

Thank you for your generosity to assist those of our church family in their time of need. 

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