Monday, November 9, 2015

High School Coach Joe Kennedy Ousted for Prayer

Joe Kennedy, Bremerton High School’s assistant football coach has been praying on the 50-yard-line after games since 2008. And for years, players and fans have voluntarily joined him.

Recently, the school district instructed him to stop his post-game prayers as they felt it was violating federal law, but he kept praying. Kennedy requested a religious accommodation, but was denied. Now, he has been placed on paid administration leave pending investigation by the District.

“Effective immediately, pending further District review of your conduct, you are placed on paid administrative leave from your position as an assistant coach with the Bremerton High School football program,” the superintendent wrote. “You may not participate, in any capacity, in BHS football program activities.”
Kennedy refuses to bend to their requests and is “prepared to sue under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, claiming that his rights have been violated,” according to The Blaze.

Mike Berry is the senior counsel for the Liberty Institute and plans to defend Kennedy’s religious freedom. Berry said, “Based on their denial of the religious accommodation, we are going to initiate legal proceedings against the school district this week. We’re still hopeful and willing to talk to the district and meet with them … in hopes that we can resolve this without having to resort to legal proceedings.”

Kennedy wants to teach students values by praying and taking a stand. “I want to teach my kids those same values; that you have to take a stand for what is right, even if it might cost you,” Kennedy said. “So, I can’t not do this. I have to continue to be a role model, even if some think it’s unpopular.”

Esther Laurie is a staff writer at Her background is in communication and church ministry. She believes in the power of the written word and the beauty of transformation and empowering others. When she’s not working, she loves running, exploring new places and time with friends and family. It’s her goal to work the word ‘whimsy’ into most conversations.      More from Esther Laurie or visit Esther at

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