Saturday, November 7, 2015

Preparing for Worship on Sunday November 8, 2015

As we prepare for worship tomorrow at NRN - my heart is stirred by the message God has placed into my spirit.  It has now been marinating for over a week and I am so pumped to preach this Sunday.  I deeply appreciate Pastor John Kelley for preaching last Sunday and for the leadership of Pastor Jordan. I hope to be in good health and be able to preach under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I am confident that the words of encouragement from the message will be used by God to speak to each open heart with the message they need to apply to their life. Let us be doers of the WORD - not hearers only.

Here is the order of worship we have planned:

We begin with words of welcome and a time of prayer to dedicate our time together to the LORD!

Then we pause to welcome one another and hear about the opportunities to connect and serve the Lord.  Let us sing out our worship to our Great God!

Preparing for Christ’s return requires growing in faithfulness to God. As the return of Christ draws near, Scripture promises that we will face opposition to our faith, both from Satan and from other people. As we seek to fight against these forces and stand firm in our faith, we must look to the One who is perfect in faithfulness. God’s faithfulness relates to His trustworthiness and commitment to His children and the promises He has made them.

We now bring our petitions to the Lord.  Paul has asked that we pray and trust God - who is so trustworthy and faithful to us!

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