Saturday, December 12, 2015

Preparing for Worship on Sunday December 13 2015

Let us make every effort to begin the preparation for worship tomorrow at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene early on Saturday.  It is important to plan to retire a little early on Saturday evening and have a good night's sleep.  Cast your cares on Him because He cares for you.  Come now, Let us settle this says the Lord; should we not prepare for worship as we would an important occasion the following morning?

Our special guest tomorrow will be Dr. Greg Mason. Pastor Greg serves as the District Superintendent of the North Carolina District of the Church of the Nazarene. Greg and his wife Elaine will be join us on this third Sunday of Advent.

The previously scheduled Special Meeting for the membership has been postponed. Dr. Mason will bring the morning message. You will not want to miss the message God has given to Pastor Greg for us.

Here is the planned order of worship for tomorrow:

We begin with a warm welcome and a call to worship!

As we stand for prayer to dedicate our time before the Lord - we remain standing to sing our praise to God!


Next Sunday - Pastor Rick will bring our Christmas Sunday message entitled: 100% chance of snow!

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