Saturday, January 23, 2016

Preparing for worship on January 24 2016

On this cold day with ice and snow on the ground I am prayerfully considering if we need to cancel our time together tomorrow. The Governor of North Carolina just requested that we stay off the roads until Sunday afternoon. Thousands of accidents throughout the state, hundreds have taken place here in the Triangle. Sharron and I ventured out yesterday and decided with ice falling and the temperature remaining at 32 or below, we should stay indoors. RDU International Airport remains closed today.

Looking outside my front door and looking at the secondary road in front of my house - I think it is a great day to stay safe and warm in our home today.

In a few hours I will email  an number of leaders in the church to make the decision about our time together tomorrow. When that decision is made I will communicate it through this blog; on Facebook; through an mass email and running the announcement on WRAL TV.

I value your suggestions - do not hesitate to contact me with your thoughts regarding our time together tomorrow.

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