Monday, March 21, 2016

God is moving in our life....

Today I am excited to report that when we prayerfully listed our house for sale last Wednesday, we knew God would prove Himself faithful but, WOW  God is moving mightily in our lives.

Within 24 hours we had several offers for our house.  We prayed over the 5 offers to consider until we decided upon a cash offer above the asking price.

Our goal is to go to "closing" before the close of the month and we plan to make a sizable donation to the church I have pastored for the past 9 years in appreciation for their assistance in purchasing the house when we first moved to Raleigh.

This past week Sharron and I met with the members of a church board for an initial interview.
 Last evening I received a phone call with the invitation to preach at this church on Sunday April 3rd.

When have accepted the invitation and sense the leading of the Holy Spirit and the moving of God in our lives.  Thank you for your prayers as we seek God's direction in the journey of ministry God has called us to.

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