Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Happy Birthday Alyse!

Today I am celebrating with my grand daughter Alyse as she turns 9 years old today.

The greatest legacy one can pass on to one's children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one's life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.              Billy Graham

I am learning:  Elephants and grandchildren never forget.     Andy Rooney

Each Sunday as I take a moment to pray before I step up to the platform to preach.  Just before I pray - I turn to the back of my Bible and view a picture of Alyse. This reminds me that I must preach the Word of God with the anointing of God and speak to each generation present in our worship service. I want to be found faithful as a man of God - a loving husband - a caring father - an honest and trustworthy pastor - a deeply devoted papa to my grandchildren. 

I love each of my grandchildren. They are precious to me and hold a deep place in my heart.  Each is unique and special in their our way. Each is a child of worth and have a God given purpose for their life. 
Alyse holds a special place in my heart as she is our first grandchild. When she came into our lives - everything changed. I am truly a blessed man. My heart is full today. I am thankful. 

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