Monday, May 2, 2016

Hate Crimes, North Carolina & Restroom Confusion

With all the posted articles and news reports about NC House Bill HB2 - I thought it time to post a trustworthy view.  I recently read a post on Facebook by Pastor Perry Noble and feel it is very trustworthy:  

Several weeks ago I saw an article online that talked about how the mayor of San Francisco was banning travel by city employees to the state of North Carolina because of a “hate crime” law that had been passed.

Later on in the week I began to see musicians cancel concert appearances, a film maker say he would not make any movies in North Carolina…and recently the NBA tell North Carolina that they would not have the all-star game there next year unless something was done to repeal the hate crime law.

What is this “hate crime?”

Apparently it’s a law that has been passed in North Carolina that says if you have a penis then you are required to use the men’s restroom, and if you have a vagina you are required to use the women’s restroom.

To the best of my knowledge (which I often admit I do not possess a lot of)—that’s it. And now because of this law, men who “feel like women” and women who “feel like men” claim they are facing discrimination because they’re being told how they feel is not a justifiable reason for switching restrooms.

I have five problems with this:

#1 – To call this a hate crime is an insult to actual victims of hate crimes in the past. People who were murdered because of their race or sexual orientation has always turned the stomach of the majority of people in America – however, being told to go to the restroom that matches your biological gender is far from what people experienced in the Civil Rights movement, or even the Holocaust.

#2 – Labeling this as a hate crime because someone is being told the way they feel is inaccurate does not carry out logically.

For example, let’s say I wake up tomorrow and I feel like Taylor Swift. I can play guitar, sing her songs and mimic her movements. And let’s say I go to her next concert, show up early and tell them they need to allow me to perform because I feel like I am Taylor Swift.

No one is going to stand with me and say because I feel like Taylor that I am Taylor.

No one is going to label the people who stop me at the gate as “haters and intolerant.”

No one is going to label me as a victim of a hate crime, but merely someone who was offended because someone had the courage to tell me the truth.

#3 – Allowing people to choose which restroom they want to use puts the safety of women and children at risk. At this point, I do not care about popular opinion – I can honestly say that if I am standing outside a restroom and my wife and little girl are inside and a man approaches the door and attempts to go in – let’s just say it ain’t happening.

Why? Because I hate a certain group of people? No way!

Because I want people to feel discriminated against and shamed? Nope!
It simply comes down to the safety of my wife and daughter. And, it would be insanity to think that there are men out there who would not abuse this.
I am in complete favor of separate restrooms, individual places where guy or girl can go in alone and do their business. However, I must take a strong stand here and say there is absolutely no reason for a man to go into a woman’s bathroom.

And I really do believe that restrooms are the first step, next it will be middle school and high school locker rooms!

#4 – If you do not disagree with the NC law…then you are automatically labeled a “hater.” Anyone who has had the courage to speak out in favor of this law has been attacked, marginalized and experienced overwhelming public shame. Because of this I believe many people who should be contributing to the conversation have decided to stay hidden in the shadows rather than expose themselves to the slander of those who are against the law.

My question is this – I do not hate anyone, but I agree with the premise of the law – so, what is the position I am allowed to have? Can I not disagree without being a “hater” – or could it be that those in opposition to the law are using the “hater” tag to scare people into silence?

#5 – I am a Christian who believes God’s Word, and Scripture says in Genesis 1:27,
“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

The Bible is clear that God made man and God made woman. Even the way He created them was different.

It’s not just the Scriptures that compel me to believe the law has merit – but science as well. One would have to commit intellectual dishonesty to claim that there is not a glaring scientific difference between a male and a female, the female having two X chromosomes while the male has an X & Y. DNA screams there are differences that I am afraid feelings cannot do away with.

So – what is the correct response for a Christian to take?

#1 – Do not be silent—but do not be hateful.

One of the main reasons evangelicals are labeled as “hateful” is because we have been for so many years. It is your right as an American to have an opinion (even if it is not the politically correct one).

#2 – Pray

Pray for those who have been impacted by this—that they will cease to scream “condemnation” for those who disagree and be willing to at least have a conversation about possible solutions (like single bathroom units.)

#3 – Understand that no matter how out of control things seem to be—God is still in control and really will, according to Ecclesiastes 3:11, make everything beautiful in His time.

Source: Pastor Perry Noble

Thought I would add a simple idea:

Located in a local Kroger Grocery Store in North Carolina -

What do you think? 

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