Saturday, July 2, 2016

Creamed Salmon and other enjoyable moments

Today Sharron and I concluding a trip to be with family in Canada. This has been our first trip back to see her brother and family. Then we travelled to Dundalk to see her aunts. 

It has been an awesome trip.  The weather has cooperated and been in the mid 70's with cool nights for sleeping. We celebrated Canada's 149th birthday on Canada Day yesterday. 

We really enjoyed our trip to Dundalk as I experienced several new things.  

First was the meal at cousin Nan's as we visited Sharron's 99 year old aunt - Elva; 
and her 84 year old aunt Lila. My first time to try creamed salmon over toast. 

Then came the delicious desserts and cup of hot tea that I love when we visit family in Canada. 

We are have entered into the month of July and my heart and mind are beginning to focus on a new direction. 

God is clearly speaking to me about the plans for my first 100 days as Lead Pastor of Gastonia First Wesleyan Church. I am so excited about this ministry opportunity and the privilege of  continuing in pastoral ministry.  The recent District Conference was indeed a confirmation as Sharron and I received numerous "Welcome Home" comments. We will continue to reside in Monroe as Josh and Stephanie open their hearts and guest room to us. We are very thankful. In just a few days I will begin the commute from Monroe to Gastonia until our home in Gastonia is prepared. We are happy and blessed! 


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