Monday, January 16, 2017

Master your goals

In the world of personal development, motivation, public speaking and sales, there will never be another Zig Ziglar (1962-2012). His infectious sense of humor, his masterful story-telling skills, his uncanny ability to inspire, and his down home Southern charm... that is the legacy of Zig Ziglar. An original concept of Zig Ziglar was to Master your goals.  I had the unique opportunity to meet and have a meaningful dialog with Zig Ziglar.

The Office of Human Resources at Dartmouth College recommends that you write down your goals and follow this simple scheme. Make sure that your goals are:

  • M – Measurable: For example, you might want to raise your grade point average by at least one percentage point — this is easy to measure and realistic.
  • A – Achievable (yet challenging!): Be sure to include goals for the short-term rather than only focusing on goals that will take longer than a year to achieve.
  • S – Specific: Instead of just aiming for any internship, you might want to fine-tune your goal to include a description of the type of skills you’ll be learning or the location of the internship.
  • T – Time-based: Setting a deadline helps to create a sense of urgency that keeps you motivated.
  • E – Energizing: Go for goals that will keep you energized and inspired.
  • R – Relevant: Aim for goals that will feed into your ultimate personal and career aspirations.
Be specific

I like to use the “W” words:  Who, What, When, Why.  Using action words will help you be clear, and be specific.”

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