Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Give Pastors a Break in 2018

There are a few jobs that everyone thinks they know how to do better than the people actually doing them. We love giving our unsolicited advice to politicians, football coaches, and (you guessed it), pastors. Apparently, all of these occupations are eternally stocked with hapless morons whose only hope comes from our online rants on how they just don't get it.

What would they do without us?

It seems pastors really need our armchair expertise. I've lost count of how many finger-wagging blog posts listing all the things a pastor should know/do/be/stop doing/start getting. Recently I saw one blog post (no joke) listing "41 things I wish my pastor knew about my mental illness."" 41 things! Listen, there's a name for someone who knows 41 things about your mental illness: a psychiatrist. Which is what you need if you're expecting a pastor to know 41 things about any area of your life.

This year, let's give pastors a break. I'll lead the way by demanding my pastor knows only 40 things about my particular issues. Hey, he's only human. 


Drew Dyck
Drew Dyck
Contributing Editor 
CT Pastors

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