Friday, March 30, 2018

Good Friday Thought 2018

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Jesus said that no one took his life from him, but that he laid it down of his own will. He laid it down for the sins of man so that we could be forgiven and brought into a right relationship with God forever. 

The death we deserve for our sinful rebellion against God is the penalty Jesus willingly took in our place. The words of the prophet Isaiah ring with powerful truth: "By his wounds, we are healed."

In his book "Evidence that demands a Verdict," Josh McDowell describes what Jesus went through on our behalf. It started with "a sleepless night with no food. Then Jesus endured the mockery of two trials; He was slapped, mocked, spat upon, and ridiculed with a robe, a scepter, and a crown of thorns. He had his back lacerated with the cruel Roman "cat-o-nine tails" whip which caused excessive tearing of the flesh, bleeding, cramps and dizziness; followed by tetanus (many prisoners did not even live through this lashing!)

When He arrived at Golgotha's Hill, Jesus suffered the shame of the cross (a weapon of punishment reserved only for the cruelest of criminals). 

Messiah Jesus was publicly humiliated and shamed. He was stripped naked; He suffered the long horror of anticipated death; the mortification of untended wounds; the unnatural position of His body on the cross; lacerated veins and arteries; crushed tendons throbbing with incessant anguish and torment; gradual gangrene; arteries around the head and stomach becoming swollen and oppressed with surcharge blood; and with all that - add a burning and raging thirst!"

My Soul! WHY did Jesus DO that? Why did He allow Himself to SUFFER so? WHY DID HE DIE? Because He loves you so much, that's why?

Because He loves me so much, that's why! Every time I think of His sacrifice on my behalf, I'm AMAZED! I stand in AWE of His GREAT REDEEMING LOVE!

I'm reminded of a poster that reads "I asked Jesus - How much do You love me? And He stretched out His arms - and died!" WOW! Isn't that POWERFUL, isn't that AWESOME?!

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