Friday, July 27, 2018

Top Questions That Pastors Ask - What To Do When Someone Leaves Your Church

Another Episode of The Church Playbook: 

It happens more often than we'd like to admit: People leave our Church. Sometimes they leave because they'll realize it's not a fit. Sometimes there are deeper reasons. Sometimes...they leave loudly. In this video, I'll explain the 3 things I do when someone leaves the Church that I Pastor. I hope they'll help you too. Here is the text of the note/email I send people that leave my Church. Feel free to use it, if it's helpful to you: "Hey friend, I heard a sad & surprising rumor that you & your family might be leaving Riverview. First, I just wanted to reach out and make sure that I didn't say or do something that hurt or offended you. Second, I know that Riverview isn't for everybody, so if you are leaving, I certainly hope you find what you're looking for. Third, if where ever you're headed ends up not working out, just know that Riverview will always have open doors & open arms for you. If there are any questions I can answer for you, or some kind of confusion I can clear up, please let me know. Much love, Pastor Todd"

By the way, Get Your Free Copy of The Church Playbook at The Church Playbook will jumpstart growth in your Church, and help you breakthrough one of the toughest barriers that every Church has to deal with. Let me give this book to you for FREE! Inside of The Church Playbook, I tell the story about how my Church went through some struggles in the early days of our Church Plant, but after applying the principles that I lay out in this book, we went from just a few families to over 200 in less than a year!

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