Monday, September 24, 2018

The Lord's Prayer - Part 1

Today I’m going to begin a series of posts based upon a prayer Jesus prayed in answer to the disciple’s question, Lord, teach us to pray. It is often referred to as The Lord’s Prayer or The Model Prayer

“This, then, is how you should pray . . . ‘Our Father in heaven . . . ’                                                      Matthew 6:9

This is one of the most radical things Jesus ever said. For thousands of years, nobody called God Father. In the Old Testament, God is called Father only seven times.

Maybe you have a hard time seeing God as a father figure because your experience of your earthly father was less than notable. Words like unreasonable, unreliable, unconcerned, and unpleasable are fitting descriptions.

My prayer is that you would trade in all of the hurts, pain, sorrow, and sadness that you may have received from your earthly parents for truth about your Heavenly Father.

What is our Father in heaven like?

He is a CARING Father. With the pain and tragedies of this world we may sometimes wonder if He cares. The reality is, you and I don’t have the brain capacity to fully comprehend His care for each of us individually.

“Cast all your anxiety on Him, because he cares for you.”                                                 1 Peter 5:7

He is a CAPABLE Father. Nothing is beyond His ability. Nothing is too big that He cannot handle it. Nothing is too small that it escapes Him.

“…Nothing is impossible with God.” Luke 1:37

He is a CONSISTENT Father. He never changes. He doesn’t relate to us based upon the circumstances of this world or the circumstances of your life.

“If we are faithless, He will remain faithful.” 2 Timothy 2:13

He is a CLOSE Father. There is no place you can go that He is not there.

“The Lord is near to all who call on him…” Psalm 145:18

Your Heavenly Father is one who knows you intimately. He loves you completely. He accepts you unconditionally. And He wants a connection with you.

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