Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Lord's Prayer Part 3

Our Father in heaven has many names . . . each one being an extension of who He is and each one revealing an aspect of His power to meet my needs. Each name reveals something for which I can trust God

On the one hand, God is incomprehensible. He is so huge we can’t fathom Him. But through His names He condescends to all that is finite and becomes like man. And when we know Him by His various names, we can trust Him to meet all the needs and challenges we face in life.

So, what do you need to trust God for? For the next several days, I want to share about some of the names of God and the areas of your life where you can trust Him.

Today, know that you can trust Him to meet your every need because He is . . . Jehovah Jireh . . . your provider.

“Jireh” means “to see.” This doesn’t make too much sense until you look at it a little deeper. The word “PROVIDE” comes from 2 Latin words . . . “PRO” – “FIRST” and “VIDE” – “TO SEE.” This is where we get our word, “video.”

When you put the two words together it means: “TO SEE BEFORE.”
So, think about it, your heavenly Father not only SEES EVERYTHING in your life beforehand, He is also the one who has SEEN TO everything.

That means I can, and should, live my life by faith and it also means I can stop worrying about any and everything. Why? Because He has already seen to it.

Rest in who He is today, your provider, and live with this promise from the words of Jesus, Himself . . .

“So, do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.”                                                                           Matthew 6: 31,32

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