Monday, February 15, 2021

That's the way it is in life...


Every year Martin's parents took him to his grandmother's house during the summer break and rode the same train home the next day.

Then one day the boy says to his parents:
' ' I'm pretty big now. How about I go to grandma alone this year?"

After a short discussion, the parents agree.
Standing at the platform, waving and giving him one last tip out the window while 

Martin thinks:
' ' I know you've told me that a hundred times...!"

The train is about to leave and the father is whispering:
' ' My son, if suddenly you feel bad or scared, then for you! ' ' '
And he puts something in his pocket. Now the boy is sitting alone, sitting on the train, without his parents, for the first time...

He sees the passing landscape out the window, strangers around him rushing, making noise, coming and walking out of the compartment, the conductor addresses him that he is alone... A person even takes a sad look at him...

This is how the boy always feels more uncomfortable...
And now he's scared.

He lowers his head, cuddles in a corner of the seat, tears come to his eyes.
He remembers his dad putting something in his pocket.
With a trembling hand he is looking for this piece of paper, opens it:
' ' My son, I'm in the last car..."

That's the way it is in life...
We need to let our children run and trust them...
But we should always be in the last wagon so they don't be afraid...

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