Sunday, April 18, 2021

"Four lessons emerge from this significant battle between David and Goliath.”

 "Four lessons emerge from this significant battle between David and Goliath.”          Read them slowly.               Remember them well.

1. Facing giants is an intimidating experience. We can look back at David’s bravery and victory with the perfect hindsight and the safe distance of two thousand years. But humanly speaking, imagine what it must have felt like to face the intimidating presence of that brute, even with the eyes of faith. Yet David said, “My God is greater than he.”

2. Doing battle is a lonely experience. No one else can fight for you.

3. Trusting God is a stabilizing experience. David brought down Goliath with the first stone. His aim was true and didn’t miss the mark. We can’t know for sure, but from every indication he didn’t have the jitters when he went into battle. He was stabilized by his trust in God.

4. Winning victories is a memorable experience. We’re to remember the victories of our past. We’re to pass on our lion-and-bear stories . . . our own Goliath victories."



From DAVID by Rev. Chuck Swindoll

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