Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Preacher, if you ever feel that way, listen up...


I wrote this for a preacher friend who had a bad Sunday where he didn't feel like he connected.  Preacher, if you ever feel that way, listen up...

Stay strong brother God considers our frame and we are dust. We all have days when something is off in our body or soul or spirit, they are all a part of our preaching. Just remember on these days when we are exhausted and maybe weighed down with some kind of care that it is the cumulative effect of our preaching that wins the lost and grows disciples.  Just like your mom might have burned a meal or two when you were growing up but the consistent nutritious and delicious output from her kitchen grew you into the fine man you are today.  You just keep feeding the sheep.

 Thanks for preaching the Word so faithfully we all need your ministry.

If this post has encouraged you - PLEASE COMMENT 

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